Carmelite Monastery -Davenport/Bettendorf/Eldridge
Foundation One Indiana
Foundation Two Milwaukee
Foundation Three Sioux City
Snippets of Our History as first reported and digitized by The Catholic Messenger, Davenport, Iowa.
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In order to preserve the authenticity of the achieved material as it is presented, we have not made spelling or additional corrections to most of the material. The old newspapers that are the source material are probably in various states of deterioration due to age. Nevertheless, the snippets provide an exciting and valuable collection of the way our charism was viewed over time. It is also a tribute to all that have gone before us that have worked to make Carmelite Life possible for us today.
© The Catholic Messenger
Sat, Jan 7, 1888
Miss Lizzie Nagle, daughter of ai M or low , ( obn Magle, a prominent merchant of D abnqae, left Friday evening, ao compaaied by her father, for Baltimore, to enter the Carmelite Convent of Nuns This Is the most austere order in the Catholic church; those who enter devote their entire lives to religion Miss Nsgle has been the organist at the cathedral for the pa6t year A' i Use Academv or the Visitation established In...
Sat, Jun 8, 1889
The centenary of the first convent of Carmelite nuns in America occurs in 1S90, following close on the centenary of the American Episcopate, November G, 1SS9 The Carmelites settled at first at Port Tobacco, Md but soon transferred their residence to Baltimore The Baltimore convent is accounted the mother convent in this country.
Sat, May 20, 1893
Miss Annie Hieker took the black veil at the Carmelite Convent, Baltimore, on Thursday morning last and became Sister Aloysins of our Lady of Good Counsel She is only 19 years old......rd daughter ofjtfr Edward Hieker, a prosperous farmer of Deorfield, Minn She went bravely alone from Minnesota to join the Carmelite order Mies Annie from the age of 7 years was extremely pioUB and evinoad a marked strong devotion for a religions life
sSat, Jan 25th, 1902
At twenty she entered the Carmelite convent. Sometimes she was called a dreamer, but the works she accomplished tell us that she wasonc of the world's greatest workers. Her writings alone, upon subjects rarely considered by women in those ays, .wereenough to fill the time not spent in devotions. But we arc told that besides these she build monasteries to the number of sixteen. She has been called "Blessed Teresa of the Ardent Heart." She died on the 4th of October 158-, but her festival is observed on October 15tb. Perhaps some of us remember to have seen in our prayer books the seven mcmeutoes of St. Teresa Would it not be well for us to learn to repeat them? They arc:
Let nothing trouble you.
Let nothing frighten you.
All things pass away.
God only Is immutable.
Patience overcomes all difficulties
Those who posses Gcd want nothing.
God alone surfices.
Thu, Feb27, 1908
He Is survived by his four children Father Nagle ot Holy Cross, Sister Mary Clare of the Blessed Sacrament of the Carmelite Convent of Baltimore, Joseph J , the commission merchant, and Hanna, who made her home with her father All except Sister Clare were at their father bedside in his dying moments Ho was
conscious to the last Mr Nagle has always been Icaown as a s...
Thu, Sept 28, 1911
CARMELITE NUNS HERE Bishop Davis Provides, Property Adjoining Episcopal Residence for Their Use—House on Brady Street Has Been Remodeled and Grounds Enclosed to Provide Privacy Order Requires—One of the Very Few Houses In the West.
Davenport is to have a community of the Carmelite Nuns, which is a contemplative order. Cardinal Gibbons has arranged with Bishop Davis for the nuns to come to this city. Bishop Davis has extended to the nuns the use of the house and property at 1505 Brady street, adjoining the episcopal residence. The house is being remodeled and part of the grounds have been enclosed with a fence to provide the privacy which the rules of the order demand. It has not been definitely decided just when the order will come to Davenport, but it will be shortly. The Carmelite nuns have houses in New Orleans and St. Louis and in several eastern cities but they are practically unknown to the west. The order is a contemplative one and the nuns support themselves through needlework and benefactions. Each community is limited to 21 members and when the number of nuns Increase it is necessary to establish new communities. The headquarters of the order in America is in Baltimore, Md., the home of Cardinal Gibbons. It is through the advice of the cardinal and the generosity of Bishop Davis that they are coming to this city. Later on the temporary quarters will be improved. A chapel and a new home will be erected, and the grounds surrounded by a permanent brick wall.
Thu, Oct 12, 1911
particulars will be Bent to you 'HOYEMENTS AND ADDITIONS MADE TO ST AMBROSE COLLEGE NUNS WILL ARRIVE BELLEVUE INITIATION CARMELITE ORDER TO SEND MEMBERS TO DAVENPORT IN NOVEMBER J 1 N'ngcl of Dubuque, a Brother of One of the Nuns, Is Providing......veuport Building Has Been Completely Overhauled dtid Improved for Their Occupancy To Delay Erecting Chapel The band of the Carmelite nuns to come to Davenport from Baltimore, Md , will arrive In the early part of November Through the interest of J J Nage...
Iowa Davenport Catholic Messenger Thursday , October 19th , 1911
Thu, Nov 23, 1911
Thu, Nov 30, 1911
Thu, May 30, 1912
Thu, Jun 20, 1912
Thu, Dec 19, 1912
5 members being reported The to cemetery Mrs Philomena Gstetten tal membership now is 180 and the bauer, was 5G years of age, and died prospects for the coming year are Towards the CnnoniziiUoii of Sister Teresa of LIsIcux, Prance DIs cnlcctl Carmelite You are requested to join in a crusade of prayers for Jan 2, 1913, Birthday of thp Little Flower of Jesus ister Teresa of the Child Jesus) to obtain that she may be soon declared Venerable Total Masses offered up i Masses heard...
Thu, Aug 14, 1913
US Sixteen years have passed since the death of a Carmelite nun, Sister Teresa of the Infant Jesus, called by......the youngest of them was Theresa She entered the Carmeliteorder at Lisieux, Normandy, when only sixteen yea......nun did not practice the usual austerities of tho Carmelite order They had been denied her 'Above all, she......t I arrived at my destination the cemetery of the Carmelite convent I then saw a simple grave, covered with ...... the request of her Prioress that this holy young Carmelite wrote her autobiography J P Kenedy, Publishers,...
Thu, Oct 16, 1913
ORDERS October 15 is tho feast of St Theresa, patroness and mother of the great Carmelite order, one of whose convents has been cstablisued In Davenport within the last thr...... Ave Maria In a recent number contributed an Interesting article on tho cloistered Carmelite, calling attention to the high appreciation given to the educational, charitable a...... vv s' ' i that misunderstanding of the contemplative orders such as tho Carmelite, the Carthusian and others is not confined either to non Catholics, or the laity o...
Thu, Nov 13, 1913
ETery Morning After Seven O'CIock Mnss A Brief Sketch of Life of Great Saint of Carmelite Order A public no vena in preparation tor the feast of St John or the Cross, wil...... the Immense benefits which will accrue from devotion to this humble member or the Carmelite order of whom St Teresa said He was one of
the purest souls in the church of God...... childhood People were much moved by his rcc | ollected piety He became an humble Carmelite friar, and craved even greater austerities than were permitted, but St Teresa, re...
Thu, June 4th, 1914
Thu, July 22nd, 1915
Davenport - 1911 / Bettendorf - 1916 / Eldridge - 1975 / Return to Contents Page
to be continued....