Sister Catherine Luth, O.C.D.
Born August 2, 1922 - Professed April 27, 1948 - Entered Eternal Life March 5, 2011
"As the sunshine in the heavens...
so, Lord art Thou to me."
My Life
Sister Catherine of the Holy Family, O.C.D. (Eunice Luth)
I was born on August 2, 1922, in Waterbury, Connecticut, to Lawson H. and Agnes (Scheithe) Luth, and baptized Eunice Veronica at St. Cecilia's Church the following August 31st. I made my First Confession at St. Mary's Church, in Union City, Connecticut, where I also received my First Communion and was Confirmed.
First grade at Waterbury's Chase School began my secular education, followed by second through fifth grades at Hop Brook School in Union City ... all taught by Irish Catholic women! After sixth through eighth grade at Sacred Heart Grammar School, I graduated in the Class of '36 and went on to join Sacred Heart High School's Class of 1940.
While seeking suitable work after high school, I worked in the Sacred Heart Parish rectory until November of 1940, when I was employed by the U. S. Rubber Company in Naugatuck. In late June of 1941 I left for a job as Addressograph manager and operator until August 1943, the beginning of a momentous and blessed period of my life.
The Carmelite Monastery, in Bettendorf, Iowa, became my home for nine months as a Postulant on August 9th. On April 26, 1944, I received the Carmelite Habit and began my year as a Novice. A year and a day later I professed temporary vows for 3 years and, on April 27, 1948, professed perpetual vows for life.
I have spent most of my religious life in Bettendorf. In 1975 we had to leave our old Monastery and relocate in Eldridge, a rural area that has lent itself so very well to our contemplative lifestyle. Because of a dearth of funds, we could put up only a small frame building, making each room serve many purposes. Not until March of this year were we able to start building our Chapel.
This is now completed, thanks be to God; and thanks to all of our generous benefactors ... many of whom are celebrating here with us today. May God bless and reward all of you!
written for the occasion of her Golden Jubilee