October 2010
Ever This Moment, Be at My Side
The other night something unusual happened as we took a photo of the setting sun. To our surprise, when we looked at the picture before us, we saw a heart in the middle of the photo. Such a surprise made us ponder what task our hearts might have in the darkness of a quiet night when the world is quietly asleep.
Upon reflection, we thought maybe it is the function of our hearts to bring us closer to the tenderness of God, and thus to quiet the fears and worries of our day when evening comes.
Gradually, we come to believe that our hearts are very much like God who takes on the upsets and troubles of our day and replaces them with comfort and love. Little by little, this love and trust changes us. Furthermore, we come to believe that this love will always be there.
Possibly, our hearts follow the rhythmic tenderness of the Lord, prompting all our fears, worries and needless concerns to leave.
Quietly, the angels whisper their soothing melody.
Sister Mary Jo Loebig, O.C.D