Ever This Day Be At My Side

Mary Jo Loebig, O.C.D.

     There is one thing I hope I will never have to give up.  I am referring to my guardian angel. 


     I have a friend, who is nearly ninety years of age.  She is someone who is very educated, a former teacher, well seasoned, and someone who currently directs others. She told me that she still begins each day with the following prayer:

 Angel of God, my Guardian Dear,                                  

To whom God’s love commits me here,

Ever this day, be at my side,

To light and guard, to rule and guide.


     My guess is that there are many, many people, who still remember the above prayer.  Further more, it seems like angels are still with us, ministering to all kinds of people, in all seasons. Even Mary, the Mother of God, and the angel Gabriel, had an exchange at a time when it was convenient.


     From early on, as young people, most of us felt that we have our own angel who will take care of us, protect us, and help things turn out when we are in need. Even now, we have a sense that there is a personal angel who comes from God and who goes before us, clearing a path.  Could there be anything more comforting?  In addition, there are times when we feel that we are being given a special wisdom to take care of what is before us.   This means that our angel may be with us, even when unasked.

God Comes To Us In Different Ways


     Since God comes to us in many different ways, is it possible that, when we experience the gentle presence of our angel, we come to know what God is like?  God, too, is always interested in us, personally caring for us, and cherishing our friendship.  In reality, our angel comes from God and is always with us, constantly reminding us of the unbroken attention of God in every single day of our lives, even when we forget to pray.


     The sense of angels being with us is still part of our experience and belief.  We have only to take note of the cards and jewelry that abound these days. In addition, we may experience angels as being extremely close to us.  It also seems possible that our angel could fit our own personality. Wouldn’t that be a gift?  How good God is!

We Never Cease Yearning


     God comes to us in many different ways.  As mentioned before, in the presence of our angel, and with deep feeling, we never cease yearning to experience the nearness of God, who longs to be our friend. Softly and gently in our hearts, we hear the words of Scripture: “Take courage. It is I. Do not be afraid.  I go before you.”  (Mt.15: 27)


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