Not In The Wind, Not In The Fire
JonFe de Torres, O.C.D.
The Holy Spirit is my ever dependable friend. When I am in doubt, it is the energy that helps settle and calm my mind and heart. She is my best friend. He is my guide. During the life changing decision making times of my life, I have depended on the help of the Holy Spirit. I know that I am not the only one who has the Holy Spirit as an intimate friend. How did I get acquainted with the Holy Spirit? I cannot tell when and where. I just realized one day that I am always accompanied by this very positive energy. It is present in my breath, in my encounters and in everything, even in my sleep. This is how God is always with me, with the Holy Spirit’s presence. I don’t envy the apostles who lived with Jesus, or Moses who encountered and had a conversation with God in the burning bush, because I have the Holy Spirit always present in my life. I love the account of how Elijah encountered God on the top of the mountain (see 1Kings 19:11-13). God was not in the violent wind, nor in the earthquake, nor in the fire. God was in the gentle breeze, a soft whisper of a voice.
My Solemn Profession
Recently, there was an event that put the finishing touches to the decision I have made a few years back. I am referring to the event of my solemn profession, where I made a lifetime commitment to live the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in this Carmel. It was indeed a blessed day. During the time of preparation for this occasion which included an eight day retreat, one of the things I wanted to happen during that day, was for everybody who would attend the ceremony, to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. I feel my wish was granted.
To Give Myself Without Reserve
During the duration of the Mass and ceremony, I felt a certain kind of serenity that I have never felt before. It was a peak of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit for me. The Holy Spirit’s presence was very palpable, even when I closed my eyes. It was present in every person that came that day. It was present in the music. It was present in the air that we breathed. That day gave me the grace of freedom to give myself totally to the call, without reserve. To give without reserve is liberation. Everything is suddenly very simple. Every complication was wiped out by a single decision and commitment to live this life forever. I did not give up family and friends. Instead, I embraced everybody now as my family and friends.
Secrets of heaven,
Summits unfolding
Myst'ries divine,
Nightingale singing,
Grove lit with beauty.
Photo of Sr. JonFe in Monastery Chapel - Words from Up The High Mountain by Jessica Powers (Sr. Miriam, O.C.D. of Pewaukee Carmel)